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Focus area: Nutrition

Give the gift of better basic nutrition! 

With your donation, give the gift of strength.
With your donation, give the gift of strength

Almost one in every four children worldwide suffers from severe hunger. In developing countries, around 16 million children under the age of five are severely underweight. Chronic malnutrition in the first 1,000 days of a child’s life leads to lasting developmental disorders. help alliance campaigns to spread awareness about and combat malnourishment among children.

For example, with:

  • 5,000 miles you can ensure that about 50 children in Africa get a nourishing meal. 
  • 10,000 miles you can ensure that ten children in Asia will be provided with food for a whole month. 
  • 20,000 miles you can ensure that two children in South America will have their entire nutritional needs met for about a month.